If it is one of those
There's many plus's and minus's of it...
They are extremely faasssst growers, and good for shade and pretty
And it is prized in China and regions' for it's beautiful wood...many musical instraments are made from this wood...
And the wood is one of the hardest woods for
one of the fastest
growing woods, which is unusual.
But, they do need to be kept in an area where
wind can't get at it, to keep it straight, it
needs shelter from those blowing winds that would
make it grow sideways or crooked.
But, cutting it down may be another whole ball
of wax for you......
Cause, if you cut it down, it just regrows from it's stump.. and regrows just as fast...
And moving it out into another area in some parts of the country *lower
growing zones than say 6* it might not be a good idea.. as they are marginal
in those areas....
I would love to grow a forrest full of them some day...