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Bird Quest 18" Super Twirl Spiral and Twirl a Squirrel · Review

- Twirl-a-Squirrel feature is safe - does not harm birds or squirrels
- Squirrel's weight on feeder activates a motor which gently twirls him off!
- No need to purchase "special batteries" - operates on three standard "D" size batteries (batteries not included)
- Bottom comes completely off for an easy clean
Patented spirals attract more birds and allow more birds to feed. Squirrel's weight on feeder activates a motor which gently twirls him off!
Birds love to perch on the patented spiral. They love to "run the spiral" instead of flying to another perch. Spiral design allows cardinals, grosbeaks, and other desirable large songbirds to feed. With normal "perch" tube feeders, these birds have difficulty feeding without a seed tray.
Lifetime warranty on workmanship and normal wear and tear. Aluminum and stainless steel parts. Squirrel-proof patented "locking lid." Just twist and lock those pesky varmints out. Easy to clean - "Twist & Clean" (patent pending) easy-clean bottom comes completely off for easy cleaning. No screws to mess with. Easy to hang - looped wire hanging cable included (150 lb. test) and attached. Holds cap so you don't have to wonder where you put it. Feeders come completely assembled. Take out of the box, hang in your yard, and watch how fast the birds are attracted to the patented "Spiral Perch." The Twirl-a-Squirrel feature is safe - does not harm birds or squirrels. Durable - weather-resistant PVC. Easy to use - no assembly required. No need to purchase "special batteries" - operates on three standard "D" size batteries (batteries not included). Smart technology prevents motor fatigue.
Product Link: Click Here (External Link)
Rating: 3/5 (Good)
Posted on November 13th, 2018
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