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Black Spot
Black Spot is a disease on the foliage of roses caused by moisture.
To avoid black spot, plant disease resistant roses, and clean up after pruning. You can use a fungicide such as captan, copper, or lime sulfur during damp weather; they are most effective when you follow the instructions carefully. You can also use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) at a rate of one teaspoon to one gallon. Use in the morning to prevent sun scald. You can also try neem oil.
Posted on May 8th, 2014
To avoid black spot, plant disease resistant roses, and clean up after pruning. You can use a fungicide such as captan, copper, or lime sulfur during damp weather; they are most effective when you follow the instructions carefully. You can also use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) at a rate of one teaspoon to one gallon. Use in the morning to prevent sun scald. You can also try neem oil.
Posted on May 8th, 2014
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