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Coleus Plant · Wiki
Botanical Name: Coleus blumei or Solenostemon scutellarioides
The Coleus plant, also known as the Painted Nettle, is often grown outdoors as an annual because it is frost-tender; but it iss easy to grow indoors if you can provide bright light. With its distinctive leaf shapes, intricate patterns, and rich colors rival some of the showiest of foliage plants.
Encourage Growth - Coleus plants can get leggy, so pinch growing tips often to encourage them to branch out and stay bushy and full; also pinch off any flower spikes as soon as you notice them, because they will detract from the beautiful foliage.
Moist Soil - Coleus leaves will wilt and may fall off if the soil is too dry; you'll have a much healthier-looking plant if you keep the soil moist at all times. Use a pot with drainage holes and water thoroughly. Need a container? Check out some of the self-watering pots that are currently on the market.
Coleus Varieties
Countless varieties of Coleus are available. Foliage colors include red, maroon, brown, cream, yellow, orange and green in many combinations and designs. Leaf edges may be scalloped or ruffled and have a contrasting color.
With all of the stunning new hybrids on the market, the possibility of choosing just one is nearly impossible. The Coleus plant is easy to find in most garden centers, and it is easy to grow from seed. It's also quite easy to propagate a plant; just cut off a stem and stick it in a glass of water.
Origin: Southeast Asia
Height: Up to 2 ft (60 cm)
Light: Bright light, but some direct sun is okay, except for direct sun in the summer; since the intense summer sun which will scorch the leaves. If your Coleus receives too little light, your leaf colors will dull, and it may cause leaves to drop.
Water: Keep soil evenly moist, as the Coleus leaves will wilt if thirsty; and try to avoid getting the velvety leaves wet. Hard water will cause permanent white spots which won't come off. Always use room-temperature water when watering houseplants.
Humidity: Moderate humidity. Check out these easy ways to increase humidity for your tropical house plants. Don't mist coleus leaves because tap water will leave spots.
Temperature: Average room temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C); leaves may wilt or fall off if the plant is exposed to temperatures below 55°F (13°C).
Soil: Any good-quality potting mix
Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in the spring and Summer, with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: Sow any Coleus seeds in the spring, or take 3 in (7 cm) cuttings from the Coleus stem during the spring or Summer; any cuttings from the stem tip should root easily in water or moist soil.
• Dropped leaves Low light, dry soil, or cold air can cause leaves to drop. Don't worry, however; the Coleus is a vigorous plant, and will grow new leaves when its aliments have been alleviated.
• Aphids like to attack new growth; so treat your plant for them right away, and isolate it to avoid contaminating your other plants.
Posted on September 8th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
The Coleus plant, also known as the Painted Nettle, is often grown outdoors as an annual because it is frost-tender; but it iss easy to grow indoors if you can provide bright light. With its distinctive leaf shapes, intricate patterns, and rich colors rival some of the showiest of foliage plants.
Encourage Growth - Coleus plants can get leggy, so pinch growing tips often to encourage them to branch out and stay bushy and full; also pinch off any flower spikes as soon as you notice them, because they will detract from the beautiful foliage.
Moist Soil - Coleus leaves will wilt and may fall off if the soil is too dry; you'll have a much healthier-looking plant if you keep the soil moist at all times. Use a pot with drainage holes and water thoroughly. Need a container? Check out some of the self-watering pots that are currently on the market.
Coleus Varieties
Countless varieties of Coleus are available. Foliage colors include red, maroon, brown, cream, yellow, orange and green in many combinations and designs. Leaf edges may be scalloped or ruffled and have a contrasting color.
With all of the stunning new hybrids on the market, the possibility of choosing just one is nearly impossible. The Coleus plant is easy to find in most garden centers, and it is easy to grow from seed. It's also quite easy to propagate a plant; just cut off a stem and stick it in a glass of water.
Care Tips
Origin: Southeast Asia
Height: Up to 2 ft (60 cm)
Light: Bright light, but some direct sun is okay, except for direct sun in the summer; since the intense summer sun which will scorch the leaves. If your Coleus receives too little light, your leaf colors will dull, and it may cause leaves to drop.
Water: Keep soil evenly moist, as the Coleus leaves will wilt if thirsty; and try to avoid getting the velvety leaves wet. Hard water will cause permanent white spots which won't come off. Always use room-temperature water when watering houseplants.
Humidity: Moderate humidity. Check out these easy ways to increase humidity for your tropical house plants. Don't mist coleus leaves because tap water will leave spots.
Temperature: Average room temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C); leaves may wilt or fall off if the plant is exposed to temperatures below 55°F (13°C).
Soil: Any good-quality potting mix
Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in the spring and Summer, with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: Sow any Coleus seeds in the spring, or take 3 in (7 cm) cuttings from the Coleus stem during the spring or Summer; any cuttings from the stem tip should root easily in water or moist soil.
• Dropped leaves Low light, dry soil, or cold air can cause leaves to drop. Don't worry, however; the Coleus is a vigorous plant, and will grow new leaves when its aliments have been alleviated.
• Aphids like to attack new growth; so treat your plant for them right away, and isolate it to avoid contaminating your other plants.
Posted on September 8th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
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