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Asparagus Fern · Wiki
Botanical Name: Asparagus aethiopicus syn. Asparagus densiflorus
The Asparagus Fern is not a true fern, but a member of the lily family (Liliaceae). Long, arching stems densely covered with short, needle-like leaflets give this plant a delicate appearance. It has natural cascading habits that makes the Asparagus Fern ideal for hanging baskets. The feathery foliage blends in beautifully with other humidity-loving house plants.
Mature plants will bloom in the Summer with small, white-to-pale pink flowers, sometimes followed by clusters of green berries that turn red in the winter. These berries are poisonous if eaten.
The Asparagus Fern is also a popular outdoor container plant in temperate climates. If planted in the ground, asparagus ferns are invasive. In their native habitat, these vigorous plants will spread across, and scramble up, other plants.
Origin: South Africa
Height: Trailing stems up to 3 ft (90 cm) long
Light: Bright indirect light.
Water: Water thoroughly, allowing soil to dry out a little between watering. Water sparingly in winter, but do not allow soil to dry out completely.
Humidity: Prefers moist air. Dry indoor air will cause this plant to shed its small leaflets. Set pot on a tray of wet pebbles and mist leaves daily with room-temperature water to keep the humidity high.
Temperature: Average room temperature of between 60-75°F (16-24°C). This plant will tolerate a minimum temperature of between 50°F (10°C).
Soil: Good-quality potting mix
Fertilizer: Feed monthly spring through fall with a balanced house plant fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: This is an easy plant to grow from seeds. Divide overcrowded plants in spring. Ease the plant out of its container and divide the plant with a sharp knife, keeping as much of the roots attached as possible.
Prune it Back: Trim off old stems in the spring to make room for new growth and to keep the plant looking neat.
Re-pot in Spring: Move to a pot only 1 size larger. Allow 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) from the surface of the potting mix to the rim of the pot. The fleshy, tuberous roots sometimes force the potting mix up as they grow.
Leaf Drop is usually a symptom of too much sunlight, or, more likely, dry soil. Keep your Asparagus Fern where it'll get filtered light. Water regularly, but take care not to overwater. The plant's thick, tuberous roots store water and soggy soil can cause root rot.
Posted on June 23rd, 2018 · Updated on July 7th, 2018
The Asparagus Fern is not a true fern, but a member of the lily family (Liliaceae). Long, arching stems densely covered with short, needle-like leaflets give this plant a delicate appearance. It has natural cascading habits that makes the Asparagus Fern ideal for hanging baskets. The feathery foliage blends in beautifully with other humidity-loving house plants.
Mature plants will bloom in the Summer with small, white-to-pale pink flowers, sometimes followed by clusters of green berries that turn red in the winter. These berries are poisonous if eaten.
The Asparagus Fern is also a popular outdoor container plant in temperate climates. If planted in the ground, asparagus ferns are invasive. In their native habitat, these vigorous plants will spread across, and scramble up, other plants.
Care Tips
Origin: South Africa
Height: Trailing stems up to 3 ft (90 cm) long
Light: Bright indirect light.
Water: Water thoroughly, allowing soil to dry out a little between watering. Water sparingly in winter, but do not allow soil to dry out completely.
Humidity: Prefers moist air. Dry indoor air will cause this plant to shed its small leaflets. Set pot on a tray of wet pebbles and mist leaves daily with room-temperature water to keep the humidity high.
Temperature: Average room temperature of between 60-75°F (16-24°C). This plant will tolerate a minimum temperature of between 50°F (10°C).
Soil: Good-quality potting mix
Fertilizer: Feed monthly spring through fall with a balanced house plant fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: This is an easy plant to grow from seeds. Divide overcrowded plants in spring. Ease the plant out of its container and divide the plant with a sharp knife, keeping as much of the roots attached as possible.
Prune it Back: Trim off old stems in the spring to make room for new growth and to keep the plant looking neat.
Re-pot in Spring: Move to a pot only 1 size larger. Allow 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) from the surface of the potting mix to the rim of the pot. The fleshy, tuberous roots sometimes force the potting mix up as they grow.
Leaf Drop is usually a symptom of too much sunlight, or, more likely, dry soil. Keep your Asparagus Fern where it'll get filtered light. Water regularly, but take care not to overwater. The plant's thick, tuberous roots store water and soggy soil can cause root rot.
Posted on June 23rd, 2018 · Updated on July 7th, 2018
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