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Brake Fern · Wiki
Botanical Name: Pteris cretica
Brake Fern adapts well to average indoor conditions, earning it another common name, Table Fern.
Many different varieties are available and they vary in leaf shapes and variegation's. There are dozens of cultivars to choose from.
• Pteris Cretica "Albolineata" sports creamy white stripes down the center of its leaves.
• Pteris Cretica "Victoriae" has silvery white stripes, giving it the common name Silver Brake Fern.
• Pteris Cretica "Cristata" has frilly tips.
This fern is easier to please indoors than some other ferns. It does require bright light, so don't put it in a dark corner; set it on a table or plant stand near a window to give it the sunlight it craves. The fronds are somewhat fragile, so it's a good idea to keep this fern where passersby won't brush against its foliage.
Re-pot in the spring, only when it gets too crowded. The Brake Fern is slow-growing and prefers to be pot-bound. Keep the crown of the plant above the soil line when re-potting, and use a pot with a drainage hole to avoid soggy soil.
Keep it compact by cutting off tall fronds at the base. New ones will grow to take their place.
Keep it cool; cool nights, and moist air, will keep this small fern healthy indoors. Hot, dry, air will make the fronds turn yellow. Cut off any yellow fronds at the base.
This decorative fern is long-lived and gaining in popularity as a house plant. Its interesting fountain shape and unusual foliage make it a beautiful addition to any brightly lit room.
Origin: Southern Mediterranean
Height: 6 in - 2 ft (15 cm - 60 cm), depending on the variety
Light: Give your fern bright (indirect) light year-round. It also thrives under fluorescent light.
Water: Keep the potting mix lightly moist at all times. This Mediterranean fern needs slightly less water than its rain-forest cousins, so take care not to over-water.
Humidity: Prefers 50% relative humidity. Set pot on a tray of wet pebbles and mist foliage regularly with room-temperature water when humidity drops in winter.
Temperature: Cool night temperatures between 50-55°F (10-13°C), and warm day temperatures between 60-70°F (16-21°C) will make this fern feel at home.
Soil: Any good-quality potting mix with added perlite for good drainage.
Fertilizer: Ferns aren't heavy feeders, but they do need a regular week liquid fertilizer during the growing season. Feed every 2 weeks spring through fall with a balanced house plant fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: Division; divide large plants in the spring only when crowded; this fern is slow-growing and rarely needs divided.
Posted on June 24th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
Brake Fern adapts well to average indoor conditions, earning it another common name, Table Fern.
Many different varieties are available and they vary in leaf shapes and variegation's. There are dozens of cultivars to choose from.
• Pteris Cretica "Albolineata" sports creamy white stripes down the center of its leaves.
• Pteris Cretica "Victoriae" has silvery white stripes, giving it the common name Silver Brake Fern.
• Pteris Cretica "Cristata" has frilly tips.
This fern is easier to please indoors than some other ferns. It does require bright light, so don't put it in a dark corner; set it on a table or plant stand near a window to give it the sunlight it craves. The fronds are somewhat fragile, so it's a good idea to keep this fern where passersby won't brush against its foliage.
Re-pot in the spring, only when it gets too crowded. The Brake Fern is slow-growing and prefers to be pot-bound. Keep the crown of the plant above the soil line when re-potting, and use a pot with a drainage hole to avoid soggy soil.
Keep it compact by cutting off tall fronds at the base. New ones will grow to take their place.
Keep it cool; cool nights, and moist air, will keep this small fern healthy indoors. Hot, dry, air will make the fronds turn yellow. Cut off any yellow fronds at the base.
This decorative fern is long-lived and gaining in popularity as a house plant. Its interesting fountain shape and unusual foliage make it a beautiful addition to any brightly lit room.
Care Tips
Origin: Southern Mediterranean
Height: 6 in - 2 ft (15 cm - 60 cm), depending on the variety
Light: Give your fern bright (indirect) light year-round. It also thrives under fluorescent light.
Water: Keep the potting mix lightly moist at all times. This Mediterranean fern needs slightly less water than its rain-forest cousins, so take care not to over-water.
Humidity: Prefers 50% relative humidity. Set pot on a tray of wet pebbles and mist foliage regularly with room-temperature water when humidity drops in winter.
Temperature: Cool night temperatures between 50-55°F (10-13°C), and warm day temperatures between 60-70°F (16-21°C) will make this fern feel at home.
Soil: Any good-quality potting mix with added perlite for good drainage.
Fertilizer: Ferns aren't heavy feeders, but they do need a regular week liquid fertilizer during the growing season. Feed every 2 weeks spring through fall with a balanced house plant fertilizer diluted in half.
Propagation: Division; divide large plants in the spring only when crowded; this fern is slow-growing and rarely needs divided.
Posted on June 24th, 2018 · Updated on September 2nd, 2020
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