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Fourm Administration · FAQ Entries
How do I move a post? · Under each posting you'll see an edit link; click on that and on the next page you'll see a move this post and it's replies button, click that and choose the new forum for the posting.
How do I move a thread? · On the thread you'll have several buttons above the first post, the third of which is Manage Topic, under this button there is a Move / Merge this Topic link; once you click this you'll have options to move the topic to a new destination.
Someone needs banned! · Only an Administrator or Junior Administrator can edit or ban users, however moderators may use the Ban Nominations thread for notifying us of troublesome users.
What are the duties of a Global Moderator? · The forum staff have several light duties; for starters they police their assigned forums for misplaced postings and spam. Misplaced postings get moved to the proper forums and spam gets sent to the Boneyard forum and the post itself flagged for an a…
What are the duties of a Moderator? · The forum staff have several light duties; for starters they police their assigned forums for misplaced postings and spam. Misplaced postings get moved to the proper forums and spam gets sent to the Boneyard forum and the post itself flagged for an a…
What do I do with Spam? · Spam postings and threads need to be moved to The Trash Bin forum and a Ban Nomination needs to be filed for the user(s) in question.
What is the "Poofing Procedure"? · The procedure for removing a user is as follows: 1. Is the user a spammer? (Did they join for the primary means of promoting products or services that are not welcome?) If so, report to Stop Forum Spam by editing their account and selecting More Info…
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