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Exchange System · FAQ Entries
I cannot see the user information! · On a User to User event you'll have access to user information once a user has been assigned to you. On an Organizer event, only the specified event organizer has access to user information. On an open event, all users have access to the address list…
I can't join an event! · There are a couple of things to check: Are you logged into your forum account? You must be logged in to your account on our forums to use the Exchange System. Do you have 50 posts? To join in an event you must have contributed at least 50 posts on th…
What is the "What Did I Send" / "What Did · The What Did I Send and What Did I Receive boxes are for you to note (for both the user and the administration) what you sent/received. The sender will not see your note until you mark that you received your package. The recipient will not see your n…
Who can participate? · In order to participate in an event you must: Be a Member of our Forums. Have at least 50 posts.
Who can see my information? · As the exchange system is meant to share your information, the issue of privacy may arise. Depending on the type of event, your information is available to: User to User Event - This type of event is for items like a gift exchange; only User A and Us…
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